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Missions Giving

ReGeneration Church supports around 25 ministries and organizations throughout Santa Cruz County and across the world. To give toward missions, click the link below.

Also click this link to give toward Bible college scholarships. Then choose "Bible College Scholarships" from the Fund dropdown menu.


We now offer quick and easy giving through Zelle! Give to:


Please make checks payable to ReGeneration Church.

Mail checks or cash to: 

ReGeneration Church

1500 Green Hills Rd #103

Scotts Valley, CA 95066

You can also place your check or cash in an envelope and drop it in the black Agape Box at the sanctuary entrance.

Text Giving

In addition to online giving and traditional mail, You can also text your donation!⠀

1) To begin, text the word SETUP to (831) 265-5777

2) Follow the prompt to create a profile on our Giving Portal and add your phone number and payment method

3) You’ll be sent a confirmation code via text that you’ll enter on your profile

4) You’re ready to go! To make a donation, simply text the amount you’d like to donate (ex. 100, 50.00)