Our Team

Photo of Pastor Matt and DeAnna

About Our Pastor

Matt Valencia

Husband to DeAnna; Dad to Rebekah, Matthew, Josiah, Elisha and Abigail; and Pastor of ReGeneration Church.

Matt “grew up” in ministry at Calvary Chapel West Covina under Pastor Raul Ries. He graduated from Azusa Pacific where he met his wife, DeAnna. He then taught and coached at a public high school when the Lord began to call him to the ministry of a pastor. Matt served as an assistant pastor for Don McClure at CC San Jose and then moved on from CCSJ to work as a teacher/principal of a school for students incarcerated for drugs and alcohol.

In 2001, the Lord led him to begin a new and fresh work, planting Calvary Chapel Gilroy where he pastored until 2012 when he came to Santa Cruz to minister. Matt is passionate about Jesus, equipping the saints, his family, and 49ers football. Ministry keeps him desperate and humbled since he is always in over his head.

Fun fact from Matt: "I was first attracted to DeAnna when we were in college and I saw her working on her own car!"


  • Ken Horn

    Worship Team | Contact

    Ken came to Christ in 1976 at the end of his Senior year in high school at a Sat. night concert during the early years of the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa/Jesus movement, eventually meeting his wife Laura there and became involved in a smaller Calvary Chapel in the city of Orange before moving to the Santa Cruz area in 1983. There they attended another local Calvary Chapel where Ken led worship and was one of the elders for many years.

    In 2002, they started attending Calvary Chapel Santa Cruz, (ReGen), when it was a small church plant under Dave Johnston. Ken was ordained as a pastor during this time as well as took on the worship leading responsibilities and currently leads along with many other faithful servants growing in their gifting’s here at ReGen.

    Ken’s favorite verses exemplify the simplicity as well as the byproduct of a faithful and fruitful walk with Christ;

    Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus replied, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important, Love your neighbor as yourself”

    Galatians 5:22,23 “…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self control.

    Ken has been in the construction trades for over 45 years and is currently a city building inspector.

    Ken and Laura have been married since 1977 and have been blessed with 3 children and 3 grandchildren.

  • Derek Rapolla


    Derek began his walk with Jesus at Calvary Chapel Palm Springs in 2003. His desire to learn the Bible continued to grow and God presented Derek with the opportunity to attend Calvary Chapel Bible College (CCBC). Derek met his wife Lesle at CCBC and they were married 2 years after Derek graduated. They both continued to work on the campus serving in various roles there until 2014 when God called them to New England to start the New England School of Ministry. After 4 years the Lord opened up a door for the Rapollas to move back to California for a new job at Mount Hermon Conference Center where Derek is currently serving as the Accommodations Manager.

    Derek, his wife Lesle, and two kids Mya and Eli have been attending ReGeneration Church since 2018. After being called back to California from New England the Rapollas made a "list" of churches to visit once they were all settled in. ReGeneration Church was the first and only church they ended up visiting. Derek shared, "During the service the pastor was teaching directly from the Bible. Afterwards, it seemed like the whole church stuck around to talk and fellowship. The kids came into the Sanctuary smiling ear to ear and we knew this was our new home. We signed up for a LifeGroup that day!" 

    One of the most impactful passages in Derek's life is Hebrews 12:1-2, "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."


  • Eric McCall

    Associate Pastor | Contact

    Eric married Paula 50 years ago. They are the proud parents of Brian and Nathan. They are grateful for Brian’s wife, Sonja, and Nathan’s wife, Jill. They are crazy in love with their two grandchildren, Selah and Dorean.

    Eric came to the Lord in 1971, under the ministry of Paula’s father, Truett Smith. Through hard work and diligent effort, Eric crammed 4 years of college into 17 years, while fully engaged in family life and ministry. He finally earned a bachelor’s degree in organizational communication. 

    Eric has enjoyed “Market Place Ministry”, seeing the work-a-day-world as an opportunity for ministry. He’s helped plant two churches, served as an elder, pastor, teacher, and has worked in and around the church avocationally and vocationally, as the Lord allowed. He was the VP of Administration for Trinity Bible College in Holiday Florida; he also was the Executive Director of Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram. 

    Eric and Paula came to ReGeneration Church via our on-line services, watching on-line during the COVID years. Then, when we returned to live worship, they began attending and serving in small groups, Life Groups, and through teaching and preaching.

    Before coming to ReGen as our Associate Pastor, he served as a business consultant with startups, turnarounds, and crisis management opportunities. Most people try to avoid conflict and run from failure. Eric enjoys unraveling patterns of conflict and failure and helps people resolve the issues that constrain their personal and organizational growth. Whether serving in the C-Suite, or as mentor to entrepreneurs, or in the church and ministry, Eric helps individuals and organizations increase their alignment – the degree to which their declared values, existing policies/processes/procedures, and brand communications, reinforce one another.

    Fun facts from Eric:I’m pretty sure that we’ve moved more times than you, and I’ve held more roles, jobs, titles, and such than anyone. For me it’s always been more about what the Lord is up to and the people and projects he’s working through, than anything that resembles a stable career. A path not for the faint of heart. My varied background (from short order cook to butcher to working on literal rocket ships) allows me to approach things from a variety of perspectives. Everything you need to know about me is found in my favorite expression: ‘How can I help?’ “ 

  • Denise Wills

    Administrator | Contact

    How did you first start coming to ReGen? I have been attending since April 12, 2009.

    What has been an impactful scripture in your life? Joshua 24:15: "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord."

    What is a fun/random/interesting/unique fact about yourself? I am half Irish and half German and I HATE talking about myself so that's all you're getting out of me!

  • Teresa Dettle

    Accountant & Family Ministry | Contact

    How did you first start coming to ReGen? My aunt and brother began attending and invited me. I have been attending since 2009.

    What has been an impactful scripture in your life? Proverbs 3:5-6

    What is a fun/random/interesting/unique fact about yourself? I have 9 siblings and am the oldest of the 9. My favorite color is orange.

  • Reeve Lively

    Youth Pastor | Contact

    How did you first start coming to ReGen? My wife Jessalyn and I first started attending ReGeneration Church when I was hired as the youth pastor after graduating from Calvary Bible Institute in January of 2020.

    What has been an impactful scripture in your life? Matthew 6:25-34 has been very impactful to me. Through all of the uncertainty of life, God has provided for my every need as I put relationship with Him as the top priority of my life and sought Him first.

    What is a fun/random/interesting/unique fact about yourself? Fun fact: I have lived in 11 different cities in 5 different states over a span of 5 years, until finding my permanent home in Santa Cruz a few years ago.

  • Kenny Sahagun

    Graphics & Media | Contact

    How did you first start coming to ReGen? I have been attending since 2018 when Pastor Matt asked me to help the church with their graphics.

    What has been an impactful scripture in your life? Ecclesiastes 12:13: "...Fear God and keep His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man."

    What is a fun/random/interesting/unique fact about yourself? In high school I won second place at the California State Fair digital arts showcase for a photoshopped picture of myself with the Governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Ministry Team

  • DeAnna Valencia

    Women's Ministry | Contact

  • Kim & Jerry-Rose Johnson

    Legacy Ministry | Contact

    How did you first start coming to ReGen? An old friend of ours, who had turned away from God, had reached out to us because of the painful consequences of that decision, to cause suffering for him and his family. He had attended Calvary Chapel many years before as a new Christian and we thought it was a good idea to invite him to ReGen, remembering how much he enjoyed the verse by verse teaching in his young Christian life. At the time, we were attending Saturday night services at our church, so it was easy for us to just meet him there on Sunday mornings. But every time we visited we, too, had divine encounters of many kinds that satisfied our souls and we finally came to the understanding that God was calling us to attend ReGen. We wrote a letter to the Elders of our church, to let them know about our decision. It was very difficult to leave our friends there, but we knew that God had a plan. They understood that it was an act of obedience to God’s calling and were very kind in their reply. We are still in contact with our dear friends there and consider them family. It really taught us the importance of being obedient to God. He never fails! He increased our Christian family by leaps and bounds.

    What has been an impactful scripture in your life? The passage in Romans 12:12 covers the whole gamut of life for us, especially as we age, to think on and apply. "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

    What is a fun/random/interesting/unique fact about yourself?

    Kim: I am related to William Penn, who was persecuted in England for his Quaker faith, and who founded the state of Pennsylvania, as a refuge for religious minorities of Europe.

    Jerry-Rose: I was born in Pikeville, Kentucky and unlike Kim’s ‘fancy background’, all of my ancestors, both sides, are full-fledged 100% Hillbillies. They are wonderful people who to this day are rather misunderstood, but to my mind, "the salt of the earth."

  • Michael & Melissa Woodburn

    Marriage Ministry | Contact

  • Rick & Sarah Rosenquist

    Faith Community Shelter Homeless Feeding | Contact

    How did you first start coming to ReGen? We came to ReGeneration Church about 5 or 6 years ago when we were searching for a new church home.

    What has been an impactful scripture in your life? Joshua 1: 9 has always been a powerful scripture that has given me strength and encouragement.

    What is a fun/random/interesting/unique fact about yourself? Rick is the youngest of 5 children, and all of his siblings were adopted. Sarah loves to read and garden.

  • Dayna

    ReGen Kids | Contact

    How did you first start coming to ReGen? My husband Bryan and I came just about a month after our oldest child was born, in Fall of 2016. After being part of another excellent body of believers for well over a decade, the Lord moved us here…tada!

    What has been an impactful scripture in your life? That would be Luke 1:37, “For nothing will be impossible with God.” This short verse is in the exchange between Mary and Gabriel when Mary is told she will be the mother of Christ.

    What is a fun/random/interesting/unique fact about yourself? I always forget the details of movies we have watched…so movies are always fresh and new to me…even if I have (apparently!) seen them before…

Service Team

  • Ken Horn

    Worship Team | Contact

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Donna Kimball

    Prayer Team | Contact

    How did you first start coming to ReGen? I came to the church in 2002 after hearing Pastor David Johnston on the radio program teaching verse by verse through the Bible.

    What has been an impactful scripture in your life? Among my favorite Bible scriptures is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

    What is a fun/random/interesting/unique fact about yourself? In my early 20s I spent almost 3 months living on a Greyhound bus traveling all around the country.

  • Lynn Anderson

    Missions Prayer | Contact

    How did you first start coming to ReGen?  In 2002 I joined the church when it was Calvary Chapel Santa Cruz. Dave Johnston was the Pastor at that time. I came because the teaching was verse by verse through the Bible, which is very important to me. When the church moved to Scotts Valley and changed names to Regeneration Church, I came along too.

    What has been an impactful scripture in your life?  My scripture is as follows: Psalm 143:8 - “Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life.”

    What is a fun/random/interesting/unique fact about yourself?  Yosemite National Park is one of my favorite places! One time while visiting there many years ago, I decided to ride my bike on every trail on the valley floor. It was about 8 miles of trail. Although I finished, I couldn’t walk the next day because my legs hurt so bad! Wonder why? :)

  • Ben Barber

    Tech Team | Contact

    I’ve been attending ReGen since 2017.  I remember listening to Chuck Smith and Raul Ries on the radio when I was in college.  I really appreciated their teaching style, which was to go through the Bible verse by verse.  It is so refreshing to know what is coming next week, to be ready for it, and to study the Bible and worship Jesus with other believers.


    Leading the Tech-Team at ReGen has been a great opportunity.  I once read a book called Producing Worship by Josiah Way, which caused me to think more deeply about the worship service and what it should be like.  Being on the Tech-Team is definitely not an ‘upfront’ place to serve, but it is incredibly important and rewarding.  If we’re doing our jobs well, whether that’s video, sound, slides or even lighting, no one knows we’re there.  When we do make mistakes, we get blamed for everything from the temperature being too hot or too cold, to even the coffee tasting bad!

    If you’re a person who wants to serve God and have technical skills, join the Tech-Team at ReGen.  You’ll be with a group of like-minded people who don’t care if you’re not one of the ‘cool people’, but will be welcomed on our team, just like the rest of us.

  • Jeremae Reyes

    Social Media | Contact

    How did you first start coming to ReGen?  I started coming to ReGen in 2017 when I began my first teaching job at Baymonte Christian School. When I stepped into ReGen, I immediately felt like I found a home along with brothers and sisters in Christ who encourage one another and lead each other back to scripture.

    What has been an impactful scripture in your life?  During the hardest times of my life, I held onto two verses. Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” and Isaiah 6:8, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” — These two verses remind me that no matter what I am going through, even in disappointment, I have chosen to give my life to the Lord because I trust Him.

    What is a fun/random/interesting/unique fact about yourself?  I am an earthquake enthusiast! I know. It’s weird. My students feel the same way, but earthquakes and volcanoes are so fascinating to me!

  • TJ Dettle

    Security Team & Family Ministry | Contact

    How did you first start coming to ReGen?  My parents had been going to this church for quite some time before I started attending. They always spoke so highly of the expository teaching and the down-to-earth atmosphere of "come as you are," and so I was drawn to come see for myself. I've been here now for over 10 years.

    What has been an impactful scripture in your life?  Romans 12:2 - "No longer conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

    What is a fun/random/interesting/unique fact about yourself?  When I'm not at church or at work I refuse to wear anything but shorts and Santa Cruz tees! I love God, my family, skateboarding, and motorcycles.

  • Barbara Burke & Jessica Jolly

    Helping Hearts & Hands Ministry | Contact


    How did you first start coming to ReGen?

    John and I started coming to ReGeneration Church in the spring of 2019. John had just retired from 25 years of pastoring the Bonny Doon Church, and we were looking for a new church “home”. After visiting ReGeneration once or twice, we decided this was it!

    What has been an impactful scripture in your life?  I love all the Scriptures — from the Old Testament to New Testament. In the second half of my adult life, a Scripture which has impacted me almost daily is Lamentations 3:22, 23: “Because of the LORD’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning: Great is your faithfulness.”

         The writer of Lamentations conveyed this profound message of hope in a terrible time in Israel’s history. I have to remember this message: In the middle of personal and societal struggles God never changes. He is present, loving and faithful, and, He is a sovereign God who is Lord over history.

    What is a fun/random/interesting/unique fact about yourself?  Something that most people don’t know about me is that I’m trying to learn to speak Polish, my mother’s native language. I have not made much progress, but it’s on my bucket list!


    How did you first start coming to ReGen?

    I started coming to church here in about 2008 when it was Calvary Chapel Santa Cruz. I met my husband through the singles group and we followed the church to it's new location in Scott's Valley. It was an exciting time for myself and the church. After getting married and pregnant with twins we had to make the move to San Jose since my husband was working in San Francisco. We then attended Calvary Chapel San Jose for 9 years. The Lord them answered our prayers and we were able to move back to Santa Cruz. We've been delighted to see old friends and meet many new ones at Regeneration!

    What has been an impactful scripture in your life? 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a (ESV) –

    Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.