
Starting the Week of February 2, 2025

Save the date, our Spring session of LifeGroups will be starting up soon! These small groups meet at various homes throughout Santa Cruz County weekly and provide an opportunity to build friendships, delve deeper into the content of Sunday's sermons, and share life in community with others outside of regular church services.

Interested in hosting or facilitating a group? Contact Kent Hardwick:

What is a LifeGroup?

LifeGroups are small groups that meet in various places at various times and are great connection points outside of main church services.

They provide an environment where people are able to cultivate meaningful Christian relationships. They are for adults of all ages, stages of life, and spiritual maturity.

LifeGroups Help Us...

  • Draw people in and draw them out. People are invited in fellowship which opens them up to be able to share with others.
  • Build friendships. God created us to be part of a larger community and in relationships with others.
  • Share life. In community we are able to bear one another’s burdens, celebrate with those who are celebrating and grieve with those who grieve. We can “do life” together, serve, have fun, share meals.
  • Get people into the Word. People are coming from all kinds of different backgrounds, but being able to ask questions, study, read and dialogue encourages people in the Word.
  • Break down walls. Our goal is to be an inter-generational, diverse church. LifeGroups bring people together from different backgrounds, married and single, rich and poor, mature believers and seekers.

All of our LifeGroups meet in the community with a desire to see spiritual growth in practice and to reach out to the community. We want to see people inviting friends and neighbors to experience and see what Jesus said when He told the disciples that all people would know we are His disciples by our love for one another.

Each group is also praying about how to actively use their collective gifts, talents, and resources to minister outside of the walls of the homes.

You can sign up to be a part of a LifeGroup here on our website, by visiting the Info Booth in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings, or calling or emailing the church office. We'd like to encourage you to consider where God has called you to participate and join in the mission of a specific group and plant roots there in attendance, service, and in community.